OCD and Addiction

OCD and addiction is one of the most common pairings addicts face. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental disorder which is characterized by obsessive thought patterns and compulsive behavior. OCD and addiction feed off one another until both conditions take over the abuser's life. OCD is an anxiety order that is harder to control the longer it remains untreated.

Signs and Symptoms of OCD

The National Institute of Mental Health states that about 2.2 million adults have OCD. The International OCD Foundation equates it to be 1 in 100 adults, or 1% of the U.S. population. There are many ways in which OCD can manifest, but it always involves obsessive thoughts that culminate in compulsive behaviors. A small amount of obsessive thinking and compulsive behavior does not necessarily mean the person performing the thoughts or actions has OCD. Anxiety and the physical repercussions of that are normal human reactions to stress. However, with OCD, the behaviors may vary in type and level of obsession, but they're still regular and obtrusive enough to take over the person's life.

The obsessive thought patterns and behaviors of OCD are based on fear, irrational thinking, and physical rituals. The person afflicted with the condition knows his or her behavior and feelings are irrational, but they are powerless to stop. Common fears and obsessive thoughts in those with OCD include: fear of bacteria and germs, fear of losing things, obsession with religious topics, preoccupation over specific good or bad numbers, undesired sexual thoughts and images, continual thoughts of self harm or harming others.

What Causes OCD?

Recent research has enlightened medical science to the inner workings of those who display OCD characteristics. There hasn't been a lot of information or clarification on the condition until recent years. Now scientists and therapists know how to treat it correctly. OCD is more common than depression or bi-polar disorder and yet it gets far less attention. The causes of OCD still remain a mystery to a point, but medical science points to environmental and biological factors. At one time medical science believed low serotonin levels were the primary cause of the disorder. That may still be relevant for some, but it seems as though extensive stress and genetics play a large part as well. Habits developed for the release of stress in childhood can cause OCD patterns in adulthood. Also, there is a link between OCD and the streptococcus virus. If the infection is recurring and is left untreated, OCD can develop.

More Information

Call today for more information about the detox facilities in Orlando FL that are available to help you manage OCD and addiction, as well as Narcotics Anonymous meetings (http://orlandona.org/).

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